Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Holy Saturday 2014

when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus

And so the mystery begins to unravel.
The women at the empty tomb are confused.
Who has taken the body of their Lord?
Why would anyone do this?
Where have they taken him?
They are further confused by the angels' words:

Why do you seek the living one among the dead?
He is not here, but he has been raised.

Then the angels remind the women of what they already know:

Remember what he said to you while he was in Galilee, that the Son of Man
must be handed over to sinners and be crucified, and rise on the third day.
And they remembered his words.

Remembering is an innately human activity.
How often have we been told a story, heard a grandparent reminisce, or cried over a loved one who has died.
Don't we all remember those major milestones in life:
falling in love for the first time;
high school victory on the football field;
21st birthday celebrations;
birth of our first child;
day I received my first communion or was confirmed or was ordained.
Then there are the painful memories of trauma, tragedy and sadness in our lives.
All memories are important, evoke certain feelings and constitute who we are.

In our Easter Vigil tonight we are invited to remember the story of our salvation and the good news that Jesus who was crucified is now risen.
Everything we do tonight - lighting candles, listening to the stories from scripture, , sharing communion -
says that we are like the women standing in the tomb:
we remember, we believe, we celebrate our Christian heritage and identity.

And this brings me to the second thing I would like you to remember.
Please remember that you belong with us.
The Catholic Christian communities of Francis de Sales and Visitation, or whatever other Catholic community you may become a member of, is your spiritual home.
You belong here, and this is the place where you can thrive and flourish as a disciple of Christ.  
You belong with us
Please remember that.

And lastly, I would like us to remember that, like the women in our gospel tonight, we all too are sent to announce the good news of our faith to others.
We do this, not so much by overt preaching, but simply by living lives of courageous Christian witness and moral integrity.
we are sent and commissioned to be a sacrament - indeed a living memorial - of the person of Jesus in our world.
That is what is called evangelism.
And our diocese wants us to be about re-evangelizing our community and our world.

Our world, and the one human family that inhabits it, is hurting and divided
Human greed, fear, arrogance and blindness, are depleting the earth's natural resources.
Disease, poverty and violence are killing thousands everyday.
As disciples of Christ  I encourage you to always uphold the dignity of human life;
to always honor and reverence everything in creation and to above all demonstrate to the world what it means to live in loving communion.
As we remember, as we believe and as we celebrate who we are in God's beautiful dream of humanity.

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