Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Resurrection of the Lord

April 5, 2015

The teacher asked her second grade class what they want to be when they grew up.
"A football player," "a doctor," "a policeman," "a fireman," "an astronaut," "a teacher," came the answers from all over the classroom.
 Every second grader responded, except Timmy.
 Timmy just sat quietly at his place.
 So his teacher asked him, "Timmy, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
 "Possible," Timmy replied.
 "Possible?" asked the confused teacher.
 "Possible," Timmy said.
 "Timmy, what you mean, you want to be' ‘possible.’”
 "Well," Timmy explained, "my mom is always telling me that I'm impossible.
 So when I get big, I want to be possible.”

 Easter is the great feast of possibilities.
 In his rising from the dead, Christ enables us to make possible in our own lives all that he taught and lived throughout his brief life among us:
 that love, compassion, generosity,  humility and selflessness will ultimately triumph over hatred, bigotry, prejudice, despair, greed and death.
 the empty tomb is the sign of perfect hope  that in Christ all things are possible,
 that we can make of our lives what we want them to be,

 that we can become the people God created us to be become.

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