Thursday, April 16, 2015

Second Sunday of Easter B

Image: Caravaggio at Hermanoleon

April 12, 2015

Now Jesus did many other signs that are not written in this book ....
John knows how to tantalize an audience.
Just what were the other signs that Jesus performed in the disciples' presence that did not merit a few paragraphs in the gospel?
Showing up after he was supposed to be dead was miracle enough.
Getting past the locked doors and the barrier of fear was pretty impressive too.
The glorified wounds must have been a sight to see, and the reception of the Holy Spirit was certainly a fitting place to end a gospel.

But the story continues beyond that climax to the somewhat anticlimactic story of Thomas and his misgivings about the whole thing.
Thomas' story makes the cut because it is of course our story:
without seeing the events of those days, we are invited to faith.
But after Thomas makes his famous assent to faith, "My Lord and my God!", the evangelist tells us mysteriously that there were more signs, too, not written down.
Does he mention this simply to pique our curiosity?

It occurs to me that I have seen signs of the risen Lord, too, that have never seen print.
I have seen the courage of those who are dying.
I have embraced enemies who have been transformed into loyal friends.
I have experienced the melting of anger into healing forgiveness.
I have watched generous acts give birth to hope.
Friends caught in the grip of addictions have been liberated from their pain

Signs of the risen Lord are all around us, collected only in the Scripture of our hearts.
These too give us reason to exclaim, "My Lord and my God!"

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